In the outskirts of Barcelona, we find the iconic Walden-7 created by Ricardo Bofill’s architecture studio in the 1970s. The project was conceived as an utopian attempt to build a communal building, a city inspired by the kasbahs in Morocco and bee hives. It was designed by a multidisciplinar group of professionals ranging from engineers and architects, to psychologists and philosophers. They tried to come up with the perfect community, a building adapted to its environment and its people, a building that could strengthen the bonds between neighbors.
Skies of L.A.

Los Angeles, the city where dreams are made and destroyed, where underground culture blends with glamorous stardom, but most importantly, where skies are infinite and sunsets pure psychedelia.

Deep inside the labyrinth, where nothing is what it seems to be, only one way that leads us out and several to an uncertain fate. What will you do? Only one last chance to freedom…