Summer is the best time to get lost in any park in the city to find that well-deserved quietness. The water is pouring and splashing in the fountains, surrounded by lush green and the chirping of wild birds.
Estampado animal: de la sofisticación exótica al punk

Las pieles de animales empezaron a usarse para cubrirse y calentarse, desde la lana de oveja, el cuero, las pieles de foca o las pieles de grandes felinos. En algunas sociedades, el uso como vestimenta de ciertos animales está profundamente enraizado culturalmente con sus costumbres, ritos y símbolos de estatus. Por ejemplo, para los guerreros zulúes y algunas tribus sudafricanas, la piel de leopardo simboliza el poder y la fuerza. Además, funciona como símbolo jerárquico dentro de su esquema político y social.

In that isolated world, eons away from what we once called society, I dream of you. I encounter you in my lysergic hallucinations glowing in pink and golden: this galaxy plays with our fears and desires, and pulls the trigger that ignites our souls. Despite my willingness to escape, the idea of losing what remains of you, this tailor-made hologram that keeps me on the verge of madness, just sickens me. I might get loose of these chains, or I might keep on following your steps inside the dark maze of my mind.
Tuned in to sea and green

Now that days are shortening play those summer tunes again, the ones we used to listen to by the sea, under a great blue sky. Let your uke sound joyful like in those old warm days laying in the green, under a bright dusk sun.
August: Peach and sugar – Patterns are for summer

August, the turning point in the late summer.
It seems possible to remain in these days forever, caught in this golden season where time runs backwards.
Black is such a happy color

As Morticia Addams would say: Black is such a happy color, darling.
We completely agree with her. Black represents the Yin, invites us to mystery, reflexion and the occult. It is the color of the ocean at night and makes you feel effortlessly elegant, comfortable and incredibly sexy.
These violent delights have violent ends

Come, night. Come, Romeo.
You are like a day that comes during the night. You are whiter than snow on the black wings of a raven.
The realm of tragedy, blood and revenge

William Shakespeare is known for its tragic plays, in fact Shakespearean tragedy is a literary drama classification with a unique entity. Inspired by his tragic works we have tried to translate the Shakespearean imaginery into our personal vision. Feel the black ink flow like warm blood from thy fingers.
A Bunch of Sparkling Colors

The beginning of a new year, time of changes, the start of new adventures.
And which way is better to inaugurate a brand new year than with a bunch of colours?

Deep inside the labyrinth, where nothing is what it seems to be, only one way that leads us out and several to an uncertain fate. What will you do? Only one last chance to freedom…